Saturday, May 12, 2007


This is my favorite 2pac verse, I didnt write it but I wanna share the wealth. It's like my trademark verse, I didnt write this, so just read, its on my page.

My family tree consists of drug dealers, thugs, and killers
Struggling, known 2 hustle screaming fuck they feelings
I got advice from my father- all he told me was this
Nigga, get off ur ass if u plan 2 be rich
Theres 10 rules 2 the game- but I share with u 2
Know, niggas gonna hate u 4 whatever u do
Now rule 1, get ur cash on- M.O.B.
Thats money over bitches cause they breed envy
Now rule 2, is a hard 1, watch 4 phonies
Keep ur enemies close, nigga watch ur homies
It seemed a little unimportant- when he told me I smiled
Picture jewels being handed 2 an innocent child
I never knew in my lfetime I'd live by these rules
Inniciated as an outlaw studying moves
Now papa aint around, so I've gotta recall
I've come 2 grips of being written on my enemies walls
Promise if I have a seed- Imma guide em right
Dear lord dont let me die 2night
I got words from my comrades- listen and learn
Aint notjing free, get back what u earned
Getting high than a motherfucker bless me please
This thug life will be the death of me
And I remember what my papa told me, remember what my pops told me


Anonymous said...

yeah, great verse

Sasha Sapio said...


You brought new meaning in that verse, at least to me..


sasha m!chelle™

Anonymous said...

thats the shit alrite.

Anonymous said...

I'd expect ur music influences to reflec off ur style of writing. this definitely isnt an exception.

Anonymous said...

I like the song, its something less commercial, even coming from Tupac, it still stands out even more than usual, I can see why u quoted it!

Anonymous said...

yeah tite verse

Anonymous said...

yeah it is a nice verse

Anonymous said...

my fav. post from u! u have real nice lyrics, ur father taught u write!

Anonymous said...

A great lyricist. Well, both of u. =)

Sasha Sapio said...

To Alexis:

It's his fave TUPAC verse..
He's not claiming it to be his.


sasha m!chelle™