Thursday, May 24, 2007

Lyrical Potency

I dont listen 2 these rappers cuz u know that they lie
The truth like Paul Pierce- the answer like AI
Stay high, stay fly, mindstate way high
Im a giant- my competition is yay high
May I- take a couple of seconds out of ur day?
2 show u how niggas flow out here in the real dade
Take u back 2 the hip hop days of nine trey
Where it wasnt about gimmicks- u just had 2 hit play
U could actually listen 2 what these rappers had 2 say
I take time in the lyricism that I display
Im obviously a prophecy- a product of poverty
Overcame many obstacles so nothing is stopping me
My futures looking promising- Im verbally astonishing
Im owning this rap shit like it were private property
Honestly my name holds weight and prestige
Fuck the ballpark, nigga Im a whole nother league
Dont be mad cuz a niggas what ur dieing 2 be
Its not my fault that ur dimepiece is crying 4 me
Be mad at Ms. Rodriguez- the reason Im alive
A halloween baby- I was born in eighty five
My birth was ur curse- whats worse is 1 verse
Is worth more than ur meaningless existence on earth
Im the 1st of the last and the best of da bad
Im the leader of the pack and the head of my class
Five nine in stature- with the nuts of an elephant
And Im far from ignorant- u know I can spit it elequent
The fifth element- something like Bruce Willis
Thats the reason that these real folks tend 2 feel us
Im the fittest- so Im destined 4 survival and glory
Got educated by the streets- didnt read it in stories
I talk about the gutter, cuz dude Ive been bad
I do dirt, no comedian, I just sin bad


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I came by to check out the buzz again, and I always am glad I did.
DAMN I wish I could hear you!
I really like these lyrics!
And Im not into rap, but "lyrical potency" is right!

Anonymous said...

Shit, & I thought "I" was smooth. I have 2 hand it 2 u nigga,
that shit was raw, lyrical, potent..just like u proclaimed it 2 be.
_Big Ups man_

Anonymous said...

Damn..Im in love.
O, and with the lyrics to!

Anonymous said...

Mike that was reallyyyyy catchy, I cant wait to hear it ripped on a beat!

Anonymous said...

Oh and the site is banginnnn!!!

Anonymous said...

Mike I absolutely ♥♥♥ ALL ur posts!
You have an incredible way with words & it seems so effortless!
Continue doingur thing!
I see the the real man I hear so much about, definitely!

Anonymous said...

U most definitely are on ur way

Anonymous said...

U most definitely are on ur way

Anonymous said...

Yeah, that shit was tite

Anonymous said...

Yeah, ur definitely doing ur thing. That was hot.

Anonymous said...

I gotta get ur CD man all ur lyrics are ill

Anonymous said...

U have a really nice blog, and ur lyrics are definitely potent. Keep doing ur thing, the music industry is crazy. I wish u the best of Luck, I dont think u'll need it! =)

Sasha Sapio said...


I'm definitely late.
I remember those Lyrics.

Loved it then
Love it now.

One of my Fave's!


sasha m!chelle™

Anonymous said...

Definitely have 2 represent for u papi! Love the site ♥

LOCA said...

Thats a hit rite there!

Anonymous said...

Hey papi, That was tite! :) Love u!

Anonymous said...

That gurl^^^ is delusional;..about everything BUT your lyrics! :)

Anonymous said...

I've read quite a few of your lyrics and I'm impressed!

Anonymous said...

The whole site is potent

Anonymous said...

Moreno, U have really great lyrics! 4rm line to line its amazing!

Anonymous said...


Jessica =) said...

Lol..Sasha is 2 cute! ^^ u n Cruz are real cool Mr. Chico! ;]

Anonymous said...

I really like this whole website...


Anonymous said...

ay man, when are u gonna drop something?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

xx luv it xx

Anonymous said...

hey, i heard u tearing up the scene on that radio.

Anonymous said...

4get that dud shabba, look at this!

*Crystal* said...

I def. need 2 know wheres the mixtape!


*Crystal* said...

I def. need 2 know wheres the mixtape!


*Crystal* said...

I def. need 2 know wheres the mixtape!


*Crystal* said...

I def. need 2 know wheres the mixtape!


*Crystal* said...

I def. need 2 know wheres the mixtape!


*Crystal* said...

I def. need 2 know wheres the mixtape!


*Crystal* said...

I def. need 2 know wheres the mixtape!


*Crystal* said...

I def. need 2 know wheres the mixtape!


D R E A .M. said...

*lol* Fatal Chico, i think Crystal wants a mixtape!

Anonymous said...

lyrics are tite.

Anonymous said...

I cant see why you had to name this piece "Lyrical Potency", the content spoke for itself!


EvE said...

Love it mr. fatal chico. Great lyrics (all of them!)


Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

sexy ;) Ive been DYING to see some new material! a song or something, whats up?

JADE said...

see thats the lyrics we need bursting thru our radios for real! Ever thought about hitting up 105.5 the beat up here?

JADE said...

oye, do u have the actual song for this one chulo?

JADE said...

oye, do u have the actual song for this one chulo?